Gatsby themes allow you to override configuration from the theme by defining the same property in your gatsby-config.js
at the root of your project. You can see the default configuration provided by the theme’s gatsby-config.js
To add a title and description to each page, simply provide them to siteMetadata in your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Theme Carbon',
description: 'A Gatsby theme for the carbon design system',
keywords: 'gatsby,theme,carbon',
__experimentalThemes: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-carbon',
One of the first configurations should be to override the default manifest options, you can do this in gatsby-config.js
. Any options you don’t set, will be provided by the theme. See the example project.
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Theme Carbon',
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-manifest',
options: {
name: 'Carbon Design Gatsby Theme',
short_name: 'Gatsby Theme Carbon',
start_url: '/',
background_color: '#ffffff',
theme_color: '#0062ff',
display: 'browser',
__experimentalThemes: [
If you need to override the default favicon, you can do so by passing a relative path to the icon. It’s recommended to provide a 512 x 512 version.
IMPORTANT: For best results, if you’re providing an icon for generation it should be…
__experimentalThemes: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-carbon',
options: {
iconPath: './src/images/custom-icon-512.png'
If needed, you can add support for additional Plex font weights. Don’t forget to specify italics for the additional weights if needed.
__experimentalThemes: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-carbon',
options: {
// will get added to default [300, 400, 600]
additionalFontWeights: ['200', '200i]
You can enable WebP by passing withWebp: true
or providing your own optimization level. See the gatsby-remark-images plugin options.
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Theme Carbon',
__experimentalThemes: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-carbon',
options: {
name: 'Gatsby Theme Carbon Starter',
shortName: 'Carbon Starter',
withWebp: true,
The GlobalSearch component is disabled by default. If you’d like to implement search functionality, you’ll need to follow these two steps:
__experimentalThemes: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-carbon',
options: {
isSearchEnabled: true
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const useAlgoliaSearch = () => {
// ...
export default useAlgoliaSearch;
The example useSearch
hook demonstrates implementing search with Algolia. Algolia is free for open source libraries. You can shadow this hook and replace it with your Algolia credentials or a library of your choosing.